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Brand story

The idea for ØESTE was born in Zürich while slowly giving up on traditional big logo low performance underwear.

We wanted to create the most comfortable underwear possible while combining science with our passion for nature.

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Science... Lyocell is sourced from eucalyptus trees and is refined in a closed-loop system where 99% of the solvent is recycled.

The solvent used to produce lyocell is non-toxic. This unlike other modern fabrics, such as bamboo, modal and viscose that require toxic solvents.

Lyocell is also a more durable weave with superior heat management abilities compared to the mentioned alternatives.

The fabric requires no pesticides and much less water to be produced compared to cotton. This while providing a softer, moisture wicking, cooling and more durable weave with less pilling.

As you probably guessed... we are convinced that lyocell is the optimal choice for underwear.

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Design and craft

We have set out to perfect fine underwear in terms of quality, comfort and sustainability. We are proud to distance ourselves from the fast fashion industry and we believe that less design is better design.

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Supporting Sea Shepherd

One percent of our turnover is donated to Sea Shepherd and their project SISO removing illegal and deadly driftnets (fishing nets) from the Mediterranean Sea.

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Really curious about what we are up to behind the scenes? We are ready to share some of the adventures with you.

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  • Message from the instigators

    As you know, we are huge fans of doing less, but better. But we are looking into doing socks. It will take the time it takes, and we might keep you updated.

    Other than that… Please check out our latest team story "The Polish pusher" about our photographer and friend Natalia, following the link below.

    The Polish pusher